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6th General Meeting

5 to 6 July 2018, Straubing, Germany

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Full bloom during the time of the SMIBIO Meeting in Straubing

On 5 and 6 July 2018, the SMIBIO consortium met in the city of Straubing for the last time during the SMIBIO project. One day before, on 4 July 2018, the 4th SMIBIO workshop was held in the premises of Technology and Support Centre (TFZ). The meeting was organized by Ingo Ball, WIP Renewable Energies, in cooperation with Klaus Thuneke from Technology and Support Centre (TFZ).

Read more: 6th General Meeting

4th SMIBIO Workshop

4 July 2018, Straubing, Germany

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The 4th SMIBIO Workshop - Small-scale integrated Biorefineries for Rural Development in Latin America and Europe, has taken place on 4 July 2018 in the premises of Technology and Support Centre (TFZ) in Straubing, Germany.

Renowned international experts from the sector came together to discuss the latest research results as well as obstacles and chances for biorefineries in Latin America and Europe. 

More information

3rd SMIBIO Workshop

14 November 2017, Cuernavaca, Mexico

The 3rd SMIBIO Workshop was organized in the framework of the project ERANET-LAC “SMIBIO” (www.smibio.net) in cooperation with the Biotechnology Institute – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IBt – UNAM).

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The participants of the IV Reunión Nacional de la Red Temática de Bioenergía y XIII Reunión Nacional de la Red Mexicana de Bioenergía 

Read more: 3rd SMIBIO Workshop

5th General Meeting

13 November 2017, Cuernavaca, Mexico

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On 13 November 2017, the 5th SMIBIO project meeting was held in Cuernavaca, Mexico. It was integrated in the two national events (XIII Reunión Nacional de la Red Mexicana de Bioenergia and IV Reunión de la Ted Temática de Bioenergia) and also concluded the 3rd SMIBIO workshop on 14 November 2017 and two Advanced Courses on Advanced Biorefineries and Lignocellulosic Biorefineries on 15 November 2017. The meeting was excellently organized by Alfredo Martínez, SMIBIO participant and held in the conference area of the Hotel Holiday Inn at Curnavaca. CONACYT was one of the sponsors of the events.

Read more: 5th General Meeting

2nd SMIBIO workshop

30 May 2017, Manizales, Colombia

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The second SMIBIO workshop on small-scale biorefineries took place at University of Colombia Sede Manizales, Colombia, on 30 May 2017. It was held in the Auditorio Principal Biblioteca Carlos Enrique Ruiz and included an update of the results on processes and economic calculations of different kinds of biorefineries gained so far during the SMIBIO project.

Read more: 2nd SMIBIO workshop

4th General Meeting

29 May 2017, Manizales, Colombia

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The 4th SMIBIO project meeting was held in Manizales (Colombia) on 29 May 2017. The project meeting was held in the library building of the University of Colombia Sede Manizales. On 30 May an open Workshop on “Small-scale Biorefineries for Rural Development in Latin America and Europe” was held in Auditorio Principal Biblioteca Carlos Enrique Ruiz of the University.

The meeting was organized and started with welcome words by Carlos Cardona (UNC), followed by information about activities and research results at his faculty.

Read more: 4th General Meeting

1st SMIBIO workshop

23 November 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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The main aim of the SMIBIO Project is to develop small-scale integrated biorefinery units capable of processing different kinds of biomass produced in short radius catchments rural and small urban areas, both in Europe and in CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).

The SMIBIO Project outcomes are expected to contribute significantly to the successful implementation of future biomass policies for reducing the risk of health and environmental impacts caused by the non-optimal use of agro-industrial wastes and significantly increase farm productivity and thus improve household livelihoods of farmers.

First results of the project were presented on 23 November 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the state owned Centro Cultural de la Ciencia del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (Mincyt) where the first SMIBIO workshop on small-scale biorefineries was held.

Read more: 1st SMIBIO workshop

3rd General meeting

21-23 November 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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The 3rd SMIBIO project meeting was held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on 21- 23 November 2016. On the first two days the project meeting was held in Fundacion ArgenINTA (INTA) premises. On 23 November an open Workshop on “Small-scale Biorefineries for Rural Development in Latin America and Europe” was held in Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Read more: 3rd General meeting

2nd General Meeting

20-21 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal

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This SMIBIO project meeting took place on the premises of the project coordinator LNEG in Lisbon. Representatives from partners LNEG, PUCV, UNC and WIP attended the meeting and partners CIEMAT and INTA joined via skype. The project partner from UNAM could not participate and sent his apologies.

Read more: 2nd General Meeting

SMIBIO Kick-off meeting & Site visit

23 - 26 November 2015

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In this first SMIBIO meeting in Concepcion representatives from all Project Partners (LNEG, CIEMAT, WIP, PUCV, UNC and IBt-UNAM) as well as representatives from two Associate Partners (INTA and CADOVA) participated. On the first day of the meeting the Project Partners discussed organisational issues and set up a first project schedule.

Read more: SMIBIO Kick-off meeting & Site visit


Bioenergy Events

1er Simposio Latinoamericano de Bioeconomía

10 July 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina



Biofuels and Bioenergy

26-27 August 2019, Vienna, Austria



4th EuCheMS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry

22-25 September 2019, Tarragona, Spain



International Conference on Biofuels & Bioenergy: Fuels of the future

23-25 September 2019



Expo Biomasa

24-26 September 2019, Valladolid, Spain



Biofuels International

22 - 23 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium




The SMIBIO project is implemented in the framework of ERANet-LAC, a Network of the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean Countries (CELAC) co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and technology Development (FP7).

Support is provided by the following national funding organisations:

BMBF/DLR, Germany
FCT, Portugal